1. Almost all Dogs love to play! Incorporate Play into the Dog Training Session, use your dog's natural excitement is as motivation. This is a really simple yet effective technique and you should really try to include this in your obedience training routine.
If your dog doesn't enjoy it then he/she will not want to do it in the first place and you will most likely just end up wasting both your time and your dog's.
2. The Trainer Needs to Enjoy the Dog Training Session As Well!, If you are not in the mood, do not start the Dog Training Session at all.
3.Just Like Human, Long Dog Training Session will not be effective as it will demotivate them. Keep all Dog Training Session Short 5-10 minutes 4.Dogs do get confused, so keep your command short,clear and consistent,
Example: Not differentiating between Off and Down. Off means get Off something. Down means lie down. So next time you tell your dog �Down� to get them off the couch and they lie down and look at you, its because they were told to lie down there! They are confused, not misbehaving.
5. Dogs also need to be rewarded. Reward them if they did well.
Well, that's the 5 Effective Dog Training Essentials that often overlooked or forgotten by the Dogs Trainer which might happen to you when you are Training your Dogs.
Remember Them when you are conducting your own Dog Training Session. This will ensure that the Dog Training Session will be Effective and Enjoyable for both you and your Dog.
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