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Monday, December 15, 2008

Using Hot Dogs in Recipes

People eat hot dogs for many reasons. I actually love hot dogs. Other people make them because they are a child friendly food. Still others make them as they are inexpensive and you can create a meal with a half package of hot dogs.

My kids have always loved hot dogs. We buy only the all beef hot dogs and over the years we have discovered many uses for hot dogs.

For a simple meal, grill them on the barbeque, add your favorite toppings and serve with a salad. When I make hot dogs, I put ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise on the table, along with relish and chopped up onions. My own personal favorite is mustard and onions.

When the kids were young, we used to tempura hot dogs. We�d buy batter at the store, and then coat and fry both hot dogs and veggies. It was a great way to get the kids to eat vegetables. We�d offer both tempura sauce and also ketchup. I think kids like most anything dipped in ketchup.

Buy refrigerated crescent rolls. Roll up one hot dog in each crescent and bake until rolls are done. You can also add mustard to the uncooked dough before rolling up.

Do you like corndogs? Make your own corn dogs by preparing a cornbread mix, and rolling the hot dog in the mixture. Add a bit of extra milk to make the batter a little bit thinner for dipping. Add a popsicle stick and cook until bread is done. While I enjoy dipping corn dogs in mustard, you can also dip them in ketchup and barbeque sauce.

Another favorite of mine are chili cheese dogs. We make a batch of chili, smother the hot dog with the chili and then add cheese on top.

A lot of people enjoy a casserole of baked beans with cut up hot dogs. You can also try barbeque baked beans. Both offer a very different flavor.

If you like bacon, try wrapping a slice of bacon around the hot dog and then adding melted cheddar cheese.

There are so many ways to enjoy a hot dog, and almost all of these recipes are kid friendly also.

Discover How to Stop Dogs from Chewing

Are you getting annoyed by the destructive chewing behavior of your dog? Do you want your puppy or dog to stop chewing shoes, mats, carpets, clothing, furniture and anything he can reach? Dogs don�t have to be angry to do this destructive chewing they do this because this is their natural behavior as dogs. Chewing is part of puppies development and a natural behavior of dogs. To stop dogs from chewing anything around the house, dog owners must be aware of their habits and behavior.

Dogs unnecessary chewing is the result of boredom, loneliness, curiosity, hunger and dental problems. For puppies teething can also be added in the main reasons why they chew. To stop dogs from chewing you must understand why dogs chew.

For dental problems, dogs keep chewing anything to relieve gum pains. You may observe your dog if they have dental problem when they hesitate to eat even if they are hungry. You may also put attention on how they chew their food. If they always chew on one side of the mouth, your dog might have dental problems. Bad breath and tartar accumulation on the teeth and gums are some of the symptoms of dental problem. It�s a good thing for dogs to be examined by a veterinarian to evaluate dental problems and stop dogs from chewing the wrong things. For puppies with teething problem, you may give safe chew toys to encourage chewing on toys and stop dogs from chewing anything around the house.

Boredom stimulates dogs to chew and if you know how to give your dog the needed attention, destructive chewing can be avoided. Take your dog for a walk or play ball with him. Give dogs variety of toys to chew and play with to stop dogs from chewing things he is not supposed to chew. You can also give obedience training to learn more techniques to stop dogs chewing problems.

Your dog may have curiosity with the things around your house that�s why he chew anything he can. You can chew proof your house and keep chewable things out of reach of your dog. If you will leave dogs alone without any human supervision, give a nice place for the dogs and toys to play and chew to stop dogs from chewing things around the house.

Give your dogs chewable alternatives like chew toys until training to stop destructive chewing becomes effective. When you are correcting your dogs not to chew anything around the house, encourage dogs to chew his toys and give praise for doing the right thing. Appropriate correction of the bad habits and giving praise can stop dogs from chewing the wrong things.

You can stop dogs from chewing the wrong things if you know the right techniques and strategies to manage your dogs� problems. Proper training for your dog is something that dog owners must learn. While chewing is a natural behavior of dogs it can be well managed to stop dogs from chewing anything around the house.

The Best Way to Stop Dogs Behavior Problem

Dog owners must put attention to dogs behavior problem and understand why dogs behave differently. Dogs behavior problem includes growling, non stop or unnecessary barking, snarling and other threatening behavior like physical attack to people or other dogs. Does your dog display these behavior problems? You have to recognize your dog�s behavior problem before it became a serious behavior and aggression problem.

Do you feel you want to give up on your dog and you feel it�s hopeless to solve your dog�s behavior problem? Understanding dogs behavior and how to handle the situation correctly will solve dogs behavior problem. Dogs behavior problem and aggression maybe a result of fear. Aggression is an automatic defense of dogs when they are afraid either from human or another animal�s presence. Age and maturity has something to do with dogs behavior problem too, there are dogs that are friendly as puppies but start to display aggressive behaviors on the 2nd or 3rd year. Pain and injury may also lead to dogs behavior problem. These things and a lot of factors leading to dogs behavior problem must be recognized by dog owners.

Dogs behavior problem is a serious problem that requires immediate action before it could get worst. Seeking professional help is important to evaluate your dog�s medical and behavior condition. You can also keep records of the occurrences of your dog�s behavior problem. Record how it happened and the possible triggers of the bad behavior.

Building an effective communication with your dog is the first step to solve the behavior problem of your dog. There are many ways to communicate with your dog when your dog is misbehaving. Obedience training is one way to communicate with your dog. It will give you techniques on how to make your dog listen to you and behave properly.

A well behaved dog is a pleasure to be with. Transform your dog's behavior problem immediately. Dog obedience training will reveal proven strategies how to make your dog understand what you are communicating to him.

Dogs Obedience Training: Stop Your Dog�s Aggressive Behavior Author: Gerry Restrivera

Dogs obedience training, is it really necessary for dog owners to consider this option? Dogs are naturally adorable and intelligent, a good companion, but no matter how lovely they are, sometimes dog behavior is hard to handle and may get out of hand. Disobedience and aggression are the most hard to handle dogs� behavior. Dogs disobedience and aggression may include excessive biting, too much barking, whining, fighting with other dogs and other general disobedience that you can�t get your dog listen to you. Unfortunately, dogs disobedience can put you in great humiliation; your dog could embarrass you in public and you have that fear that your dog might injure someone or worst any member of your family.

Dogs disobedience and aggression are sometimes caused by owners mismanagement or not knowing the right techniques and strategies to teach your dog. If you don�t train your dog it may lead to serious disobedience. Before disobedience starts to become really, really serious you have to decide to act now and help your dog. Dogs obedience training is an option to help your dog. Lack of proper communication or no communication at all with your dog leads to disobedience and unacceptable behavior. Dogs behavior problem can be solved by dogs obedience training. You and your dog need to communicate in a language that you both understand and dogs obedience training can help you to attain the communication you both need. Dogs like humans also need love and attention and they need to learn how to live with humans.

You may think dogs obedience training and learning to control your dogs� bad behavior could be a very hard and challenging job. Learning how to get your dog listen to you, be friendly and sociable to others may be hard but it is possible and can be done. Dogs obedience training will help you teach your dog to behave properly. Dogs are smart, with the correct methods and strategies, bad behavior can be corrected. Dogs can be trained and dog owners must put effort and find the necessary training guide to train dogs to behave well. With the proper dogs obedience training you can establish good relationship with your dog and gain a loyal trusted companion after all dogs are regarded as man�s best friend.

Do you want to stop your dog�s disobedience, end all your worries and raise a well behaved dog? There are dogs� owners who became happy, satisfied and now enjoying their dogs� good behavior.

The Right Dog Training Supplies And Equipment - Is It important?

Dogs play many different roles in human society.

It is obvious that the kinds of dog training supplies, aids, and equipment required are going to differ based on that role.

Guard dogs, hunting dogs, herding, drug and bomb sniffing dogs, dogs trained for agility, search and rescue, or to aid the visually or hearing impaired all have their special requirements when it comes to equipment.

Professional "working" dogs may need specific types of harnesses or training aids. For example, police dogs, also known as K9 Units, are trained to disarm and overwhelm likely criminals. The trainers use bite sleeves or suits to protect themselves during the attack training process.

When there are certain behavioral problems the situation may require tools to stop or modify the behavior, such as prong and choke chains, electronic, bark, or "spray" collars, and muzzles. Of course, this type of dog training equipment should never injure or harm your dog as this could lead to aggression or other behavioral or obedience problems.

One type of sophisticated electronic dog training tool available is the remote training system. These weather-proof systems are comprised of a collar containing a signal receiver and a transmitter used by the trainer to send a signal in the form of a vibration, a minor shock , or an ultrasonic frequency. These devices can be used from a distance to modify or stop a behavior that the trainer wants to control. They are corrective in a humane way and very effective in stopping bad behavior and reinforcing new commands.

Supplies and equipment common to all dogs, whether they be "working" dogs or companion dogs are collars, leashes, crates, bowls, treats, and toys, along with grooming tools and health related supplies. As a dog owner you will find it beneficial to have on hand products to treat common ailments involving ears, eyes, and skin plus products for proper dental care.

Most pet shops as well as online pet product suppliers carry dog training supplies which will make your life easier, your dog's training more effective, and provide positive reinforcement and interaction with your dog which will contribute to his feelings of love and security.

Dog Day Care - What To Look For In A Dog Day Care Service

Feeling guilty because you work and your dog gets left alone in the house or yard all day? As we all work longer hours, it's hard to find time to exercise and play with the family dog when you get home from work. Dog daycare is the answer for many dog owners.

Dog daycare is good for your dog, and for you. You'll both be less stressed at the end of the day. A good dog daycare center will ensure that your dog gets plenty of exercise, so he won't have the energy to dig or chew, or indulge in any other bad behavior when he gets home.

What To Look For In A Dog Day Care Service

The best dog daycare services have toys, various play areas, games, and daily walks for the dogs which stay at the center all day. The dogs are not crated or locked up, they're free to play with other dogs of similar temperament.

When you visit the dog daycare center, look for:

* Play equipment to keep dogs entertained and active;

* Separate areas for dogs of different temperaments and needs;

* Supervision - there should always be someone keeping an eye on the dogs to ensure that there's no aggression or bullying. Ideally the staff should have qualifications in dog training, management and grooming;

* Dog walks - the dogs should be walked, at least once a day;

* Diet service - older dogs and young dogs have differing dietary needs, and these should be catered for;

* An on-call vet.

The dog daycare center should be clean, and should smell sweet - any messes should be promptly cleaned up.

Although dog daycare can be expensive, you may find, as many dog owners do, that the daycare is the best investment you can make for the well-being of both your dog, and you. Knowing your dog is having fun while you're working means that you can truly enjoy dog ownership.

Run, Jump, Fetch: A More Agile Dog

Do you want a faster and more agile pet? Are you one of those who would love showing off their dog�s skills to family and friends? If you do and you are, then, this dog agility training is for you� and your beloved pet dog! It can take patience (and there is a cost) - but it will be worth it.

What it Entails

Being agile is being quick of body and having immediate physical reaction. It encompasses motor skills. Now if you would like your dog to be agile, then you�d better get him to dog agility training.

The typical dog agility training exists for the purpose of improving dogs� motor skills. Dogs will be trained by making them jump through tire hoops, run through tunnels, weave between poles, etc. Each set of obstacles becomes more difficult in the course of the agility training.

Dog Agility Training Process

There are special training schools for dogs which could help you train your pet professionally if you really want your dog to win. However, you could also train your dog by yourself if you want. If you�re the sporty-type of person, it could also be some sort of training for yourself since you should also run with your dog while training him. If you are just one of those pet-lovers, you might find this one great bonding moment for you and your pet.

The best thing would be to enroll your dog into one of the dog agility training programs and then reinforce his training at home.