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Monday, December 15, 2008

Using Hot Dogs in Recipes

People eat hot dogs for many reasons. I actually love hot dogs. Other people make them because they are a child friendly food. Still others make them as they are inexpensive and you can create a meal with a half package of hot dogs.

My kids have always loved hot dogs. We buy only the all beef hot dogs and over the years we have discovered many uses for hot dogs.

For a simple meal, grill them on the barbeque, add your favorite toppings and serve with a salad. When I make hot dogs, I put ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise on the table, along with relish and chopped up onions. My own personal favorite is mustard and onions.

When the kids were young, we used to tempura hot dogs. We�d buy batter at the store, and then coat and fry both hot dogs and veggies. It was a great way to get the kids to eat vegetables. We�d offer both tempura sauce and also ketchup. I think kids like most anything dipped in ketchup.

Buy refrigerated crescent rolls. Roll up one hot dog in each crescent and bake until rolls are done. You can also add mustard to the uncooked dough before rolling up.

Do you like corndogs? Make your own corn dogs by preparing a cornbread mix, and rolling the hot dog in the mixture. Add a bit of extra milk to make the batter a little bit thinner for dipping. Add a popsicle stick and cook until bread is done. While I enjoy dipping corn dogs in mustard, you can also dip them in ketchup and barbeque sauce.

Another favorite of mine are chili cheese dogs. We make a batch of chili, smother the hot dog with the chili and then add cheese on top.

A lot of people enjoy a casserole of baked beans with cut up hot dogs. You can also try barbeque baked beans. Both offer a very different flavor.

If you like bacon, try wrapping a slice of bacon around the hot dog and then adding melted cheddar cheese.

There are so many ways to enjoy a hot dog, and almost all of these recipes are kid friendly also.

Discover How to Stop Dogs from Chewing

Are you getting annoyed by the destructive chewing behavior of your dog? Do you want your puppy or dog to stop chewing shoes, mats, carpets, clothing, furniture and anything he can reach? Dogs don�t have to be angry to do this destructive chewing they do this because this is their natural behavior as dogs. Chewing is part of puppies development and a natural behavior of dogs. To stop dogs from chewing anything around the house, dog owners must be aware of their habits and behavior.

Dogs unnecessary chewing is the result of boredom, loneliness, curiosity, hunger and dental problems. For puppies teething can also be added in the main reasons why they chew. To stop dogs from chewing you must understand why dogs chew.

For dental problems, dogs keep chewing anything to relieve gum pains. You may observe your dog if they have dental problem when they hesitate to eat even if they are hungry. You may also put attention on how they chew their food. If they always chew on one side of the mouth, your dog might have dental problems. Bad breath and tartar accumulation on the teeth and gums are some of the symptoms of dental problem. It�s a good thing for dogs to be examined by a veterinarian to evaluate dental problems and stop dogs from chewing the wrong things. For puppies with teething problem, you may give safe chew toys to encourage chewing on toys and stop dogs from chewing anything around the house.

Boredom stimulates dogs to chew and if you know how to give your dog the needed attention, destructive chewing can be avoided. Take your dog for a walk or play ball with him. Give dogs variety of toys to chew and play with to stop dogs from chewing things he is not supposed to chew. You can also give obedience training to learn more techniques to stop dogs chewing problems.

Your dog may have curiosity with the things around your house that�s why he chew anything he can. You can chew proof your house and keep chewable things out of reach of your dog. If you will leave dogs alone without any human supervision, give a nice place for the dogs and toys to play and chew to stop dogs from chewing things around the house.

Give your dogs chewable alternatives like chew toys until training to stop destructive chewing becomes effective. When you are correcting your dogs not to chew anything around the house, encourage dogs to chew his toys and give praise for doing the right thing. Appropriate correction of the bad habits and giving praise can stop dogs from chewing the wrong things.

You can stop dogs from chewing the wrong things if you know the right techniques and strategies to manage your dogs� problems. Proper training for your dog is something that dog owners must learn. While chewing is a natural behavior of dogs it can be well managed to stop dogs from chewing anything around the house.

The Best Way to Stop Dogs Behavior Problem

Dog owners must put attention to dogs behavior problem and understand why dogs behave differently. Dogs behavior problem includes growling, non stop or unnecessary barking, snarling and other threatening behavior like physical attack to people or other dogs. Does your dog display these behavior problems? You have to recognize your dog�s behavior problem before it became a serious behavior and aggression problem.

Do you feel you want to give up on your dog and you feel it�s hopeless to solve your dog�s behavior problem? Understanding dogs behavior and how to handle the situation correctly will solve dogs behavior problem. Dogs behavior problem and aggression maybe a result of fear. Aggression is an automatic defense of dogs when they are afraid either from human or another animal�s presence. Age and maturity has something to do with dogs behavior problem too, there are dogs that are friendly as puppies but start to display aggressive behaviors on the 2nd or 3rd year. Pain and injury may also lead to dogs behavior problem. These things and a lot of factors leading to dogs behavior problem must be recognized by dog owners.

Dogs behavior problem is a serious problem that requires immediate action before it could get worst. Seeking professional help is important to evaluate your dog�s medical and behavior condition. You can also keep records of the occurrences of your dog�s behavior problem. Record how it happened and the possible triggers of the bad behavior.

Building an effective communication with your dog is the first step to solve the behavior problem of your dog. There are many ways to communicate with your dog when your dog is misbehaving. Obedience training is one way to communicate with your dog. It will give you techniques on how to make your dog listen to you and behave properly.

A well behaved dog is a pleasure to be with. Transform your dog's behavior problem immediately. Dog obedience training will reveal proven strategies how to make your dog understand what you are communicating to him.

Dogs Obedience Training: Stop Your Dog�s Aggressive Behavior Author: Gerry Restrivera

Dogs obedience training, is it really necessary for dog owners to consider this option? Dogs are naturally adorable and intelligent, a good companion, but no matter how lovely they are, sometimes dog behavior is hard to handle and may get out of hand. Disobedience and aggression are the most hard to handle dogs� behavior. Dogs disobedience and aggression may include excessive biting, too much barking, whining, fighting with other dogs and other general disobedience that you can�t get your dog listen to you. Unfortunately, dogs disobedience can put you in great humiliation; your dog could embarrass you in public and you have that fear that your dog might injure someone or worst any member of your family.

Dogs disobedience and aggression are sometimes caused by owners mismanagement or not knowing the right techniques and strategies to teach your dog. If you don�t train your dog it may lead to serious disobedience. Before disobedience starts to become really, really serious you have to decide to act now and help your dog. Dogs obedience training is an option to help your dog. Lack of proper communication or no communication at all with your dog leads to disobedience and unacceptable behavior. Dogs behavior problem can be solved by dogs obedience training. You and your dog need to communicate in a language that you both understand and dogs obedience training can help you to attain the communication you both need. Dogs like humans also need love and attention and they need to learn how to live with humans.

You may think dogs obedience training and learning to control your dogs� bad behavior could be a very hard and challenging job. Learning how to get your dog listen to you, be friendly and sociable to others may be hard but it is possible and can be done. Dogs obedience training will help you teach your dog to behave properly. Dogs are smart, with the correct methods and strategies, bad behavior can be corrected. Dogs can be trained and dog owners must put effort and find the necessary training guide to train dogs to behave well. With the proper dogs obedience training you can establish good relationship with your dog and gain a loyal trusted companion after all dogs are regarded as man�s best friend.

Do you want to stop your dog�s disobedience, end all your worries and raise a well behaved dog? There are dogs� owners who became happy, satisfied and now enjoying their dogs� good behavior.

The Right Dog Training Supplies And Equipment - Is It important?

Dogs play many different roles in human society.

It is obvious that the kinds of dog training supplies, aids, and equipment required are going to differ based on that role.

Guard dogs, hunting dogs, herding, drug and bomb sniffing dogs, dogs trained for agility, search and rescue, or to aid the visually or hearing impaired all have their special requirements when it comes to equipment.

Professional "working" dogs may need specific types of harnesses or training aids. For example, police dogs, also known as K9 Units, are trained to disarm and overwhelm likely criminals. The trainers use bite sleeves or suits to protect themselves during the attack training process.

When there are certain behavioral problems the situation may require tools to stop or modify the behavior, such as prong and choke chains, electronic, bark, or "spray" collars, and muzzles. Of course, this type of dog training equipment should never injure or harm your dog as this could lead to aggression or other behavioral or obedience problems.

One type of sophisticated electronic dog training tool available is the remote training system. These weather-proof systems are comprised of a collar containing a signal receiver and a transmitter used by the trainer to send a signal in the form of a vibration, a minor shock , or an ultrasonic frequency. These devices can be used from a distance to modify or stop a behavior that the trainer wants to control. They are corrective in a humane way and very effective in stopping bad behavior and reinforcing new commands.

Supplies and equipment common to all dogs, whether they be "working" dogs or companion dogs are collars, leashes, crates, bowls, treats, and toys, along with grooming tools and health related supplies. As a dog owner you will find it beneficial to have on hand products to treat common ailments involving ears, eyes, and skin plus products for proper dental care.

Most pet shops as well as online pet product suppliers carry dog training supplies which will make your life easier, your dog's training more effective, and provide positive reinforcement and interaction with your dog which will contribute to his feelings of love and security.

Dog Day Care - What To Look For In A Dog Day Care Service

Feeling guilty because you work and your dog gets left alone in the house or yard all day? As we all work longer hours, it's hard to find time to exercise and play with the family dog when you get home from work. Dog daycare is the answer for many dog owners.

Dog daycare is good for your dog, and for you. You'll both be less stressed at the end of the day. A good dog daycare center will ensure that your dog gets plenty of exercise, so he won't have the energy to dig or chew, or indulge in any other bad behavior when he gets home.

What To Look For In A Dog Day Care Service

The best dog daycare services have toys, various play areas, games, and daily walks for the dogs which stay at the center all day. The dogs are not crated or locked up, they're free to play with other dogs of similar temperament.

When you visit the dog daycare center, look for:

* Play equipment to keep dogs entertained and active;

* Separate areas for dogs of different temperaments and needs;

* Supervision - there should always be someone keeping an eye on the dogs to ensure that there's no aggression or bullying. Ideally the staff should have qualifications in dog training, management and grooming;

* Dog walks - the dogs should be walked, at least once a day;

* Diet service - older dogs and young dogs have differing dietary needs, and these should be catered for;

* An on-call vet.

The dog daycare center should be clean, and should smell sweet - any messes should be promptly cleaned up.

Although dog daycare can be expensive, you may find, as many dog owners do, that the daycare is the best investment you can make for the well-being of both your dog, and you. Knowing your dog is having fun while you're working means that you can truly enjoy dog ownership.

Run, Jump, Fetch: A More Agile Dog

Do you want a faster and more agile pet? Are you one of those who would love showing off their dog�s skills to family and friends? If you do and you are, then, this dog agility training is for you� and your beloved pet dog! It can take patience (and there is a cost) - but it will be worth it.

What it Entails

Being agile is being quick of body and having immediate physical reaction. It encompasses motor skills. Now if you would like your dog to be agile, then you�d better get him to dog agility training.

The typical dog agility training exists for the purpose of improving dogs� motor skills. Dogs will be trained by making them jump through tire hoops, run through tunnels, weave between poles, etc. Each set of obstacles becomes more difficult in the course of the agility training.

Dog Agility Training Process

There are special training schools for dogs which could help you train your pet professionally if you really want your dog to win. However, you could also train your dog by yourself if you want. If you�re the sporty-type of person, it could also be some sort of training for yourself since you should also run with your dog while training him. If you are just one of those pet-lovers, you might find this one great bonding moment for you and your pet.

The best thing would be to enroll your dog into one of the dog agility training programs and then reinforce his training at home.

5 Effective Dog Training Essential Often Overlooked!

1. Almost all Dogs love to play! Incorporate Play into the Dog Training Session, use your dog's natural excitement is as motivation. This is a really simple yet effective technique and you should really try to include this in your obedience training routine.

If your dog doesn't enjoy it then he/she will not want to do it in the first place and you will most likely just end up wasting both your time and your dog's.

2. The Trainer Needs to Enjoy the Dog Training Session As Well!, If you are not in the mood, do not start the Dog Training Session at all.

3.Just Like Human, Long Dog Training Session will not be effective as it will demotivate them. Keep all Dog Training Session Short 5-10 minutes 4.Dogs do get confused, so keep your command short,clear and consistent,

Example: Not differentiating between Off and Down. Off means get Off something. Down means lie down. So next time you tell your dog �Down� to get them off the couch and they lie down and look at you, its because they were told to lie down there! They are confused, not misbehaving.

5. Dogs also need to be rewarded. Reward them if they did well.

Well, that's the 5 Effective Dog Training Essentials that often overlooked or forgotten by the Dogs Trainer which might happen to you when you are Training your Dogs.

Remember Them when you are conducting your own Dog Training Session. This will ensure that the Dog Training Session will be Effective and Enjoyable for both you and your Dog.

Dog Camp-Part 1

Dogs that have been patiently trained by their masters usually obtain a higher degree of physical well-being, and skills that far outreach any dogs potential. However few owners even dare to try training their dogs due to busy work schedules and demanding personal or family lifestyles. Training your dog to be alert, mentally alive and physically strong is not easy for it requires patience and care.

Preparation for Dog Agility Training

Dog nimbleness training or agility training is not something you easily undertake in your home or in your garage. Like any other forms of physical training, your dog should be well versed in manners especially when around other dogs. Distraction is a very real part of a dog�s life. Obedience classes often help ease a dog�s social awkwardness; it trains and teaches him what to do and how to behave around other humans and other dogs.

Contact Obstacle

After finishing obedience school, you and your dog are now ready to start your agility training. The first lesson introduces your dog and you to the basic commands that you will use later. The training begins with the Contact obstacle. This obstacle showcases the A-frame that is made of two platforms usually about 1 m wide by 3 m long connected together and elevated so that the connected part is about as high as a man. The objective of this exercise is to test and train the dog�s climbing skills on sloped areas.


The next one is the Dogwalk, this is made out of three 3 to four meter long planks that are connected end to end. Like the A-frame, this is elevated to a man�s shoulder height so that two planks become the uphill and downhill planks that lead to and from a center plank. This obstacle trains your dog�s running and walking abilities.

Self Defense-Canine Confrontations

That was the article title in the Santa Fe New Mexican Friday morning February 9, 2006: "Canine Confrontations"

The story by Natalie Storey-no I am not making that up-goes like this in part. "When Kate Jewel takes her blue healer, Niki, for walks, they no longer go alone. Jewel, a trim 58 year old, carries pepper spray, a device that emits a high frequency sound to deter animals and a miniature stun gun.

"All of this to fight off dogs. After she and Niki were attacked by three other dogs on Nov 14on the Borrego Trail, Jewel has become terrified of other people's dogs.

"I love dogs. I can understand the joy of dogs wanting to run free. But people let their dogs run loose and they don't understand the consequences of their actions"

Well said Kate. The device she was referring to is the "Dog Chaser" which uses ultrasonic technology causing a high pitched sound audible to dogs only. This can be used up to 15 feet away. The pepper spray she referred is an EPA approved spray by Mace brand that cannot harm the dog.

Both can be used by delivery people, walkers, joggers, cyclists to prevent dogs from attacking in a humane way.

Every year 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs from a minor nip to a major attack according to the US Animal Humane Society. Countless others are victims of the terror experienced from a chasing dog. Now there is a way to stop dog attacks without injury to the dogs or you.

Chances are very good that you are reading this because in some way dog attacks have touched your life or you want to be proactive and protect yourself and family from the ravages and fear of dog attacks. That is the first step.

Whippets and Children Make A Great Combination

The whippets are amazing sight dogs. If you or your family is looking for a house dog consider the whippet. They are loyal and have a great personality. They smile and they run like the wind. If your children through the ball they will always bring it back. Whippets are great to play baseball with because they will get the ball that the batter misses of course thats when you do not have a catcher. They bring it back to the pitcher. They are also great in the outfield. When you decide to ride bikes, they can go as fast as you and they do not bite at your feet. When you go in the house for the evening they like to curl up next to you and be affectionate. They like to share your blanket, your bed and your love. These dogs also can be crated if you work or are gone, but you really do not have to.

Once they are past their puppy stage you don't have to worry. The house will be as you left it. Whippets have very short hair and they do not shed very much. These dogs love children and children love these dogs. They will let you know if someone is around that they do not know. Whippets are not loud dogs. Most of the time you do not know they are around. These dogs are some times not easy to find, so start searching now for this wonderful breed of dog, the whippet.

Leash Training Puppy

So, your puppy is now ready to be took on walks, but what you do not want is your puppy taking you for a walk! Or worse still your puppy decides to just sit down and refuse to move no matter what you do to encourage it otherwise. Well this is where leash training puppy comes in!

The first thing you need to do in leash training puppy is to get your little pup used to walking with you, and one really good and easy way to do this is to tie your puppy�s leash to your belt and walk around the room with it, everywhere you go in the room your puppy goes to!

Once your puppy does this without a struggle then start walking around outside in the garden, also a good opportunity to do a bit of gardening as well with your puppy right by your side.

When your puppy gets used to following you around wherever you go you can then use your leash in the normal manner and take your puppy out for a walk and your puppy should be quite happy to walk right by your side without pulling, you might even find that your puppy does this even when you take the leash of for it to have a run round.

That�s all there is to leash training puppy, now you and your puppy can enjoy lovely long walks together without all the problems and hassles of your puppy pulling on their leash or refusing to walk.

Paper Training Puppy-6 Easy Quick Tips!

Owning a puppy is a big responsibility and nearly on par with looking after a baby! One of the worst things is having a puppy that eliminates all over your lovely home, well with these 6 easy quick tips you can start paper training puppy as soon as possible, the earlier the better!

1) Get some old newspapers and cover a large area with them, this is where your puppy has to learn to eliminate.

2) As soon as you see signs �and there usually are!� that your puppy wants to eliminate, usually by sniffing the floor and circling round, pick your puppy up and place it on the newspaper while giving the command you want to use, example �Go Potty!�

3) Once your puppy starts to go on the paper then let your puppy into the rest of the house, all the while watching for the telltale signs that it wants to eliminate, as soon as it shows signs scoop your puppy up and place he or she on the paper and giving it the command to eliminate.

4) When your dog is consistently eliminating on the newspaper start to take some pieces away until eventually it only has one or two pieces of newspaper left to wee on.

5) Start moving the newspaper closer to the back door each day, if you have any accidents just quickly clean up with warm water and vinegar so as to remove any scent left by your puppy.

6) Eventually you will be able to pick your puppy up when it wants to eliminate on the paper and put it outside while still giving the command to go potty and in no time at all your puppy will bark or whimper when it wants to go potty.

So there you have 6 quick and easy tips on paper training puppy and also having a nice clean and fresh smelling home. It is not as difficult as you might think and as long as your patient and consistent then it should take no time at all for your puppy to be potty trained.

Puppy Obedience Training - 3 Useful Tips!

Getting a puppy needs a lot of thought, you need to make sure you have plenty of free time to take care of all its needs, including making your home safe for your puppy to live in without it harming itself in anyway, you would be surprised what mischief they can get up to!

Puppy obedience training should begin as soon as you get your puppy home, Obviously let it settle in for a few hours, but the earliest you can start puppy obedience training the better for you and your puppy.

1) Potty Training Your Puppy

This is one of the first obedience training lessons you will want to teach your young pup if you do not want it messing in your home, the number one rule is to make sure you catch your puppy in the actual act of weeing and then quickly pick your puppy up and put it outside or wherever you have chosen for its place to eliminate.

2) No Biting

Your next step in puppy obedience training is to stop your puppy from biting, regardless if it is only play biting because when your puppy grows even play biting can do serious damage to someone. So as soon as it play bites give the command �No� in a low but loud tone and keep repeating it until your puppy gets the idea and stops biting altogether.

3) Come Back to you on Command

The third puppy obedience training tip is to get your puppy to come to you on command, especially useful if your puppy gets out and escapes which they are prone to doing once in a while, and it will most likely save it�s life one day.

A helpful tip is to have some treats handy so when you call your puppy to you it has a reason to come back! Never admonish your puppy when it returns to you for any reason whatsoever or you will find that it will not return the next time you call it out of fear of being told off.

As long as you follow these three puppy obedience training tips you will have the basic training done and can move on to more advanced puppy obedience training.

Potty Training Puppy

So, you have just got your first puppy, he or she looks so cute and cuddly! Until you start noticing all the wet spots all over your house. Well do not worry, potty training puppy is not that difficult really, it just takes consistency and a bit of determination to potty train your puppy.

What you have to realize with a puppy is it can be just like having a new born baby in the fact that you will have to do everything for he or she for the first few months, that includes potty training puppy!

The method I have always used with success at potty training puppy is on the first day you get your puppy home is to cover as much of the floor as possible with newspaper, but do not worry you will not have to do this for long, just for the first couple of days while your potty training puppy.

Covering most of the floor with newspaper will get your puppy used to the feel of paper under its feet so that he or she associates weeing with the feel of the newspaper and not the floor!

Now the trick is over the next few days is to take a few pieces of newspaper away so that you are just left with a few square pieces for your puppy to go potty on, now and again your puppy will have the odd accident but do not worry just add a couple of pieces of newspaper back and repeat the process again, it is sometimes a case of three steps forward and one step back, just have patience and soon you will be down to just one or two pieces of newspaper.

Once your puppy is going potty on just one or two pieces of newspaper then the next step in potty training puppy is to slowly, day by day, move the newspaper close to the back door until eventually it�s right by the back door.

Once you have done that then the final step in potty training puppy is every time you catch your puppy going to wee on the newspaper is to gently but quickly pick the puppy up and take your puppy outside in the garden to finish its wee and while your puppy is doing that give it the command you want to use all the time such as �go potty!�

Be patient and persistent and your puppy should get the message and will actually ask to go out by barking or whimpering by the back door so it can go out to eliminate. Once that happens then you have potty trained your puppy successfully.

Crate Training Your Puppy

What is crate training? Well basically crate training is a method that some puppy owners choose so as to give their puppy it�s own space and also where eventually will feel safe and secure.

The best way to crate train your puppy is to show your puppy the crate and let him or her have a good sniff around it so your puppy can get accustomed to it; never rush crate training puppy because all you will achieve is your puppy being frightened or to stressed when in their crate. Which is not the point at all, it�s not meant to be a prison! Just a nice safe and stress-free place where your puppy can go to get away from it all and relax.

Also crate training puppy is very useful if you have to leave your puppy alone for any length of time, you can also be safe in the knowledge that your puppy is not wrecking your home while your not there also.

So how exactly do you crate train your puppy? You need to introduce the crate to the puppy slowly, you could put your puppy�s favourite toys in the crate and let your puppy play with them while keeping the crate door open so it knows it can go out of there at any time it wants and that should eventually get your puppy used to being in the crate.

Once your puppy is used to being in the crate with the crate door open you can start to shut the crate door for short periods of time at first and then slowly increase the amount of time until your puppy can comfortably be in the crate without stressing or getting upset.

You will know when you have cracked crate training puppy when he or she goes into their crate all by themselves without you having to tell them to go in there or having to put them in there yourself.

Now you can go out knowing that your puppy is safe and your home is safe and not being chewed to bits! Just a note after crate training puppy never use the crate to punish your puppy or leave your puppy in the crate for too long a time as apart from just being cruel it will begin to hate the crate and will never want to go in there at all.

Also always leave enough food and water when you absolutely must go out for extended periods of time.

Crate Training Your Puppy

Crate training your puppy is one of the best things that you can do for your puppy, not only will it create a safe haven for your pet it will also help confine your dog quickly and easily when needed, help towards potty training and can be a place where your puppy can go to when it feels like some rest.

One thing you need to know is that crates should never be used as a form of punishment, training should be a positive and fun experience for both puppy and you. Your puppy may feel that you are punishing them by introducing the crate but if done correctly, then your puppy will soon be used to crate training and happily follow the commands.

You need to choose the right size crate for your puppy, a wire crate that has a lock on it is the most popular type. The crate needs to be large enough so that your puppy has enough space to stand up, turn around and lie down, the crate shouldn't be too large as this will give your puppy too much space to roam around.

To start crate training make sure you have some treats to hand and the environment is a quiet and happy one so nothing can distract your puppy.

Place a soft pad or blanket that your puppy can sit or lie on and a favourite treat in the crate and your puppy will go in to retrieve the treat, do not close the crate door at this time, this period is just to get your puppy used to entering the crate. Each time your puppy enters the crate ensure you give her enough praise and attention so they know they have done right.

Once your puppy has been in and out of the crate a few times and you feel it is ready to move to the next level, it is time to start closing the door. Once your puppy has entered the crate and her attention is on the treat you should close the door and praise your puppy saying good dog, wait for about 20 seconds before opening the door and letting your puppy out. Do not praise your puppy with a treat when they come out of the crate, a simple pat will do.

Carry on crate training your puppy for several periods over the day, ensuring that you increase the time you keep your puppy in the cage, do not let your puppy feel unsettled. You should not leave your puppy in their crate if under 8 weeks old for longer than an hour and no longer than 2 hours foe puppies older than that.

Once your puppy is used to their crate they will at times go in their to relax, have a nap or just to get away from things.

You Can Teach An Older Dog New Tricks

Training older dogs is no different than training younger dogs - well, there IS one difference: you need more patience.

The old adage about teaching an old dog new tricks has no meaning in the world of dog training. I have seen cases in which older dogs - dogs in their double-digit years - become dog obedience poster dogs!

It all depends, like I said, on how much patience you have. Repetition and clearly communicated commands are the key!

In some rare cases, where the older dog has been allowed free rein as the leader of your family unit "pack", you may find some stubbornness and "passive aggressiveness" to the training.

But for the most part, the commands for training older dogs are the same as for younger ones.

The Sit command is an excellent indicator of how well the older dog will respond to training. With a pinch collar in place around the dog's neck, pull up with your right hand (reaching across your body) and push down with your left hand on the dog's rump.

This should create an irresistible position for the dog. When training older dogs, be aware that you may well lose your standing as their best friend for a few days until the order of command changes. There may even be a bit of doggie "sulking."

But the repetition, coupled with five- to ten-minute training sessions should take most of the control battles out of the picture.

In the end, both you and your older dog will reap the rewards of a closer bond!

How To Pick The Right Wheelchair For Dogs

Seeing older people in wheelchairs is very usual. It is also common to see injured people and animals in them. But seeing dogs on their wheelchair is uncommon. But it is right, injured dogs can have their own specialized wheelchair.

Any animal can use a wheelchair but the most common users are dogs. This does not mean that it will end the dog�s life but it is merely to assist them to move freely. There are significant reasons why dogs need wheelchairs and they are: Cervical disc disease, Ruptured disc, Spinal lesion, Tumors, Ligament problems, Cancer, Severe leg weakness, Arthritis and Neurological disease.

What are the common features of a dog wheelchair?

It has a lightweight frame.

It is designed with the lightest materials possible. It weighs 50 percent lighter but still has the ability to support even the larger dog breeds.


Different dog wheelchairs have different wheels. It will not be difficult for a buyer to choose which one is suitable for his/her dog since the wheels are also specialized for the easy maneuvering of the dogs in all types of soil.

Custom made

It is made not only to fit the size of your dogs but also its lifestyle. They consider the kind of activities which dogs are normally engaged with.


This is helpful in every movement of your dog. It can be useful even if the dog is not on the wheelchair.

Here are guidelines which you can use on how to purchase for it:


Attack Dogs

Attack dogs are dogs trained to bite people on command. Although these dogs are usually associated with police work, they had different uses in the history of human-canine relationship. Hundreds of years ago, attack dogs were used to break the first line of enemy armies and to capture and kill fugitive slaves.

In theory, an attack dog must be able to bite and stop biting on command. Thus, an attack dog would be a useful helper for police forces without being a dangerous animal.

Unfortunately, some dogs are trained to attack but not to stop their attack on command. Besides, there are some vicious dogs that may bite their own owner or trainer. These are not real attack dogs but vicious and dangerous animals, often owned by irresponsible and disturbed people.

Well trained attack dogs must also be well socialized and have reliable obedience training. These dogs are not supposed to attack any person, unless their owners are facing a threat. Every dog trained to attack on command must be carefully chosen according to its physical and psychological features. In addition, it must go through long and demanding obedience training.

-- Attack dogs and guard dogs

Guard dogs are not the same as attack dogs. Although an attack dog may also be a guard dog, guard dogs can not always be attack dogs.

The main function of a guard dog should be to inform about the presence of a stranger. So, guard dogs are not supposed to attack the stranger. Therefore, several small breeds can be used as guard dogs, though they can not be effective as attack dogs.

-- Are attack dogs dangerous?

An attack dog will always be dangerous if it has been trained in the wrong way. In this case, the dog will just become a vicious dog which can attack even its owner.

However, a well trained attack dog may be safe. I say "may be" because safety depends on the dog's handler. An experienced handler who understands the dog will be able to control it and to predict its responses to different stimuli. Thus, such handler will avoid risky situations and the dog won't be dangerous.

On the other hand, a well trained attack dog is dangerous if the handler is inexperienced and/or does not know the dog's reaction to several stimuli. This would be like a small kid with a knife.

So, if you are considering training your dog to attack, you must train yourself in the first place. Getting enrolled in canine clubs to practice sports like Schutzhund, Mondio Ring or French Ring may be the best way to get involved in attack dog training. These sports have high and well defined standards so their practitioners are knowledgeable in training, dog behavior and canine aggression.

Usually, sport dogs are reliable and safe because their owners and handlers are experienced people who know very well how their dogs behave.

-- Are attack dogs necessary?

The utility of attack dogs is arguable. Since no dog can compete with modern weapons, attack dogs are useless except in some particular situations. On the other hand, no dog is 100% reliable under stressful circumstances, even if it is very well trained.

Because of their limited utility, I think attack dog training should not be recommended for canine companions. Attack dog training should be left for police dogs, army dogs and, of course, sport dogs.

Understanding Your Dog's Body Language

To be a successful trainer and be in full harmony with your dog, you have to know the dogs body language.

Dogs like many other animals, show their intentions to others with their body language. There are three different parts of dogs physique which should be focused on. Head, Tail and Posture.

It is important to look at dogs ears. A dog will hold its ears in different positions for every type of mood he has. If the dog is making a grin by squeezing its skin in muzzle area and focusing its eye's on something, it means it is threatening the object of focus.

At the same time if the dog is showing its teeth and sides of the mouth are pulled back showing a smile type grimace, the dog is showing fear or lack of self confidence.

Another major factor in dogs body language is its tail! There are hundreds of different emotions which can be shown by dogs tail from playful happiness to deadly sorrow. Make sure to keep a watchful eye on your dogs tail in different situations and you will learn to literally read your dog.

Dogs posture is equally important. If the dog is stiff and is standing on tips of its paws, it is usually not a good idea to approach such an animal.

It is important to keep your attention at dogs posture, face expressions and tail when reading the body language, but more importantly you have to learn to combine all three together to make a full picture of what your dog is thinking and saying to you and other people!

This ability will help you know what's on your dogs mind and can be a life saver in preventing dog fights or dog bites.

Tips to Housebreak a Puppy

Perhaps the first and most important thing any puppy owner wants to do is to housebreak their new puppy. This cannot only be a very positive learning experience for the puppy, but also for the owner, particularly for first time dog owners.

When preparing to train your puppy to do what comes naturally outside, rather than inside, it's very important to understand that dog's are habit animals. Everything they do as they grow older is born from habit, the choice the dog owner has is whether the puppy is going to create it's own habits or if the habits are going to be taught.

Another important factor to keep in mind that until after three months of age a puppy cannot physically control the muscles needed to keep from going, it just happens. To overcome this in the early months, take the puppy out often or confine your puppy to an area of the house where it's easy to clean up any messes. Be sure to keep the area the puppy stays in clean; it can be very difficult to train a puppy to go outside if he or she can smell the scent of urine inside.

Once the puppy is old enough to start the housebreaking process, it is vitally important to remember one of the major keys to training a puppy is promptness. When you display your disapproval for an action the puppy has taken, the puppy relates that disapproval to whatever it is doing at that exact moment.

For instance, if you come by a few minutes after the puppy has done it's duty on the floor and do your scolding, the puppy will not relate the scolding to the duty but to either the mess itself or whatever he or she is doing when you come along. Thus, all that will happen is your puppy will become scared and not learn a thing about the housebreaking you are trying to teach.

The easiest way to handle this process is to actually catch the puppy in the act of going inside. Yes, the way is easy but doing it can be quite difficult because there is no set timing or pattern to when a puppy my have to go.

At the times you are able to catch your puppy in the act of relieving him or herself in a place you don't want this to happen, scold the puppy appropriately and take him or her to where you would like them to go. Wait there with the puppy until nature takes hold again then be prompt and very passionate with your praise.

To housebreak a puppy will take time and patience on the part of the owner. With that being said, with proper timing of the scolding and the praising it will indeed happen.

Housebreaking Your Puppy

Housebreaking your puppy is going to take a lot of patience. As soon as you bring your puppy home, you should begin to housebreak it. With puppies, nature calls about 6 times a day. You should take your puppy out immediately after each meal, as this is the time that it is most likely to need to relieve itself.

A puppy is not able to fully control its bladder until the age of twelve weeks. Up until that age, good housebreaking routines should be followed in order to avoid your dog relieving itself in your house.

Watch for signs that your puppy has to go out, including walking around in circles. That is the biggest sign that your dog needs to go outside to relieve itself.

Confining your puppy to a small area of the house, or using a crate are a couple of good ways to make sure your dog doesn't end up defecating or urinating all over your house. Housebreaking your puppy is a lot harder if it smells urine in a part of your house that you don't want it relieving itself in.

When housebreaking your dog, it is important to make sure that your dog knows when it is doing wrong, and knows what it is doing wrong. It's no help scolding your dog for urinating on the floor if it's not clear to the dog why you're scolding him. Be firm, yet gentle, especially until your puppy knows better.

It is important to housebreak your puppy properly the first time, or you'll be regretting it for years to come. If it's not a hundred percent clear to your dog that it is not ok to urinate in the house, then you will be cleaning up a lot of messes over the course of your dog's lifetime.

Information on proper housebreaking methods can be obtained from your vet, dog trainers, or on the internet. Do your homework ahead of time, before you bring your new puppy home, because the housebreaking needs to start immediately, as soon as your puppy gets home. You don't want to be fumbling around, trying to learn how to housebreak your puppy while he's urinating all over your house. Put yourself in the position of knowing how to do it before you bring your puppy home.

Potty Training Your Puppy

One of the most pressing issues with a new puppy is getting your new puppy potty trained. Luckily, potty training your puppy doesn�t have to be difficult. This article will show you some tips on potty training your puppy.

First, you need to understand that puppies are like babies and they simply make messes because they don't know better and can�t understand their urges. Your puppy doesn't mean to ruin your good carpet; he simply doesn�t know that he has to go potty.

A puppy�s ability to feel the need to go potty develops as they age, much like children. You can help your puppy potty train faster by developing a schedule for your puppy to follow. Take the puppy out at the same times every day to allow the puppy to become accustomed to a schedule.

Especially if you aren�t home during the day, you can expect there to be accidents while you puppy is learning potty training. You can help this a bit by putting down newspapers for the puppy to relieve himself on, but it will take additional training for the puppy to know this is for emergencies. When accidents happen, don't get upset - just clean up and disinfect the area.

You can learn to recognize some of the signs that your puppy needs to be taken out for potty. When you see your puppy acting a certain way, it may be time to take them out.

Here are some signs that a puppy needs to go potty:

* Restlessness

* Sniffing a spot they had previously soiled

* Whimpering and wining

* Distraction from play

As each puppy is unique, you will soon learn to recognize the signs in your dog. When your puppy begins to exhibit this potty signal it is time to take them out for a walk and direct them to go in the place you want them to use.

When your puppy does well, remember to praise him. Praise reinforces to the puppy that they have done the right thing and will make them happy to do it again to seek more praise.

Although potty training your puppy can be tedious, it is just a matter of being consistent and patient with your new pup long enough for their minds and bladders to mature and adapt to your training. With patience and time, your puppy will potty train and accidents will be a ting of the past.

Ways Of Avoiding Stress In Training Your Puppy

The main purpose in puppy training is to build a communication system between the two of you.

You are teaching your dog how to learn. In contrast to the positive approach of puppy training,

many obedience classes use a lot of leash jerking and a certain amount of punishment if the dog

is not performing well. There is a fine line between the two attitudes and it is a vitally

important difference.

With a young puppy, if you are forcing him to perform perfectly and punishing him even mildly

if he does not, you may be asking for trouble later on. After a puppy is six to eight months old,

he can usually begin to handle corrections and accept much more firmness in his training but not

at three, four and five months of age.

Stress should not be a specific part of puppy training. That comes later when the pup is six to

eight months old and ready for a more formal training. Of course, it is not possible or necessary

to completely avoid stress because there is often a small amount in any of a puppy's activities.

However, stress should be eliminated as a planned part of the actual training.

In puppy training, building confidence means knowing what you expect from your pup.

Focus is the single most important command to teach your puppy.

The capacity to learn is born in every puppy, to a greater or lesser degree.

Your puppy starts learning the moment he enters your house.

(He starts learning about you and soon knows whether you or he will be the boss.)

His capacity to learn grows as he does and is fully developed at the age of about a year.

Although he eventually stops growing, he never stops learning.

Puppy Training, 5 Tips To Remember When Teaching The "Come" Command

1. Use it sparingly. When you overuse �Come�, puppies stop paying attention.

When your puppy understands the command, avoid using it all the time.

Say it infrequently and make it extremely rewarding.

2. Do not chase your puppy if he does not respond. Practice on-lead for now.

3. Never call for negatives. If you have to groom, bathe, or isolate your puppy, do not use �Come.�

Also avoid using it when you are angry. You will only scare your puppy out.

4. If your puppy runs away from you, do not repeatedly call or correct him.

5. Use a different command to bring your puppy inside.

Coming in from outdoors is a big drag, no more fun than being left alone or ignored.

Using the �Come� command when you want to bring him in makes it a negative command.

Instead, pick a command like �Inside.� Start using it on-lead when bringing your puppy into the house.

Quickly offer a treat or ball toss.

When puppy training many dog owners make the mistake of giving commands in long sentences that

only another human being would understand.

In his lifetime a dog comes to recognize many words, but he can be a well-trained,

obedient pet by knowing just a few. He must know: "Come!," "Out!," "Stop it!," "No!,"

and "Down!" To them, add "Walk?," or "Want to go for a walk?,"

The most important word is his name. You may decide what you will call your puppy before

you get him, or his name may come out of the blue, but do not delay choosing it.

In puppy training, building confidence means knowing what you expect from your pup.

How To Crate Train A Puppy In A Week

If you are looking to crate train your puppy, you are certainly not alone! Crate training is one of the most popular ways of teaching a puppy not to relieve itself in the home. It also helps when you need to leave the puppy alone for various periods of time. So just how do you crate train a puppy in a week? Well, it really does not have to be that difficult.

Crate Training a Puppy within One Week

In order to learn how to crate train a puppy in a week, you need to first ensure that you have the right amount of time to dedicate to crate training it. It can be a time consuming process and if you do want quick results, you do have to be willing to spend a lot of time with the puppy and the crate. Basically crate training within one week will involve:

Teaching the puppy what the crate is before you put it up

Keeping the crate near you at all times in the beginning

Giving the puppy treats when they are in the crate

Gradually building up to leave the puppy for various periods of time

Many people do not realize that they have to teach the puppy what the crate actually is. They purchase the crate and think that instantly they can place the puppy in it and that will be that. Now while it is certainly possible to place the puppy in the crate and keep them in it straight away, it is definitely not recommended! This is because it could scare the puppy and that could cause various problems for you in the long run.

So you need to spend time showing the puppy what the crate is. Dissemble it a little if you can and allow the puppy to sniff it and give the puppy treats around it. They will get to sniff it and know what it is before they are faced with it fully assembled. When they are comfortable with that, fully assemble the crate again and simply keep the door open. Allow the puppy to come and go as they please and give them treats when they are in the crate.

Once you are confident you can start closing the crate door and keep the crate close to you while the puppy is inside. Give them a treat and do not give in to their cries. Gradually start leaving it for longer in the crate and when it are comfortable next to you, you will then need to start leaving the room.

Usually crate training a puppy can take a long time, but if you want it done within a week then you really do have to do the exercises mentioned repeatedly. Your puppy will get used to the crate within that week if you do spend the time needed with it.

Small and Large Dogs- How Size Variations Can Help Us Learn More About Diseases We Share With Dogs

Dogs are descended from wolves but the domestic dogs of today are quite different from the dogs of long ago. The largest variation in size of any animals that live on land is found among the various breeds of dogs. Because dogs and humans have more than 200 diseases in common and humans share about 85% of our genetic makeup with canines in general, it is important to study the variation of size found in dogs. There were probably smaller wolves in ancient times but we have no way of knowing for sure. These smaller canines would have been more likely to have been treated as pets by ancient men. This was the beginning of man wanting to breed smaller dogs for different uses, such as hunting, herding and watching for intruders.

The reason that we have dogs of such varying size is that breeders started using selective breeding hundreds of years ago. The smallest dogs from each litter were mated together, resulting in smaller and smaller dogs. Purebred dogs became less pure and finally the bloodlines were diluted to the point that the purest animals of each breed became almost extinct. It is for this reason that we are able to learn so much from the diseases we share in common with dogs. These diseases include cancer, high blood pressure and arthritis.

Small dogs have a mutation in one of their chromosomes that accounts for the growth sequence from birth to adolescence in mammals. By studying this gene and the hormone it controls we can put the pieces of the puzzle together in a way that was previously unknown.

By learning more about the similarities between humans and dogs we can find out new ways to treat and prevent many diseases that we have in common. This is just one more way that dogs are truly man�s best friend.

Training Your Dog for Special Needs

Many dogs are used to help people with special needs. Some are used to sniff out drugs or bombs. Others are trained to help with search and rescue. No matter which type of training your dog needs, there are specialists available to get our dog trained in the right field.

Search and Rescue dogs need to be trained for up to two years. Many of these dogs start out as very young puppies, some only 8 weeks old. Training your dog for any specialty purpose can be very satisfying. These dogs will learn the best behavior, to follow commands, how to climb and run, and how to retrieve what the handler wants. These special dogs will retrieve items from water and will learn how to stay safe around cars. Often these dogs will spend long days in cars on their journey to their search and rescue destination. These dogs will learn to use their senses efficiently, such as their sense of smell.

A dog that is trained for search and rescue missions will earn special skills such as climbing and balancing with a fear of heights. Smaller dogs are usually not considered for search and rescue missions. Larger dogs are needed to climb over logs in the woods or fences in the city. Training your dog for these missions means a lengthy work out, long days of training and working with a partner. A dog's temperament is taken into consideration before starting. Usual picks for Search and Rescue dogs are Bloodhounds, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Dobermans, and more.

Training your dog to use it's special skills can be a great benefit to those in need. Dogs are trained for following smells through the air while others are better at following scents on the ground. Water tracking dogs are another type of search dog. If you are considering training your puppy as a search dog, look for a school that not only trains the dog but will train you as the handler.

Dog Training for Everyday Obedience

Those who show dogs on a regular basis understand the importance of dog training, but often those people who have dogs as pets overlook this important aspect of owning a canine. Though dogs that are simply for companionship have much less to learn than those who are doing the dog show circuit � especially the obedience circuit � they still do need to learn some basic things so that they can be a positive member of the family.

Training can be as simple as teaching your dog not to jump up on people, sleep on the couch, or run away, or it can be a little more detailed, such as learning to sit, stay, and heel. This all depends on your situation with your dog. When you own a dog in the city you should be taking him on regular walks, and learning how to behave properly while on the leash should be an important part of his dog training. He should learn to walk next to you but slightly behind, so that he sees you as the leader, he should learn to not go after other dogs or especially after other people, and he should learn to stop and wait patiently when you are not walking. A good dog training course can help you with all of these things, and it can be well worth it to spend the money.

There should be some training in the house as well. It can be a good idea to teach your dog to stay out of the dining area when you and/or your family is eating, and to not be too rough when playing with you or especially younger children. This type of dog training should be done firmly and consistently. One of the most important parts of dog training is paying attention to your dog and letting him know that he is a valued member of the family.

How To Train Herding And Working Dog Breeds

Herding and working dogs are actually two different categories in the American Kennel Club but have only been divided into the two groups since 1983. Previously the herding group was included in the working group category since these groups have many of the same traits and attributes. Both groups have been bred to work closely with humans and to be good, solid and dependable companion dogs.

Working Breeds

In generally the working breeds tend to be large dogs that have been bred to pull carts, pull sleds, guard and even perform various rescues. Breeds in the working group include:

  • Akitas

  • Bernese Mountain Dogs

  • Boxers

  • Bullmastiffs

  • Great Danes

  • Doberman Pinchers

  • Great Pyrenees

  • Newfoundland

  • Rottweiler

  • St. Bernard

  • Siberian Husky

There are also several other breeds including the amazing Komondor, known for its long, ringlet style coat. All of these breeds of dogs are large, usually weighing in excess of 60 pounds, with many of the larger males reaching over 150 pounds when full grown.

When working with these working dogs it is important to note that they are generally very gentle dogs although them may be aggressive or possessive around strangers. Dogs such as the Akita that has been bred to both hunt and protect will need additional socialization and training at an early age to prevent aggressive tendencies as they mature. These dogs need to be very obedient simply because they are so large and could potentially hurt someone even by simply jumping up. Usually very easy to train they require consistent and firm training with lots of positive praise and attention.

Generally these dogs will be natural watchdogs although they are not necessarily effective guard dogs. Some, such as the Doberman Pincher and the Rottweiler are excellent as both watch and guard dogs with the proper training. Professional trainers can be very effective in training and working with guard dogs.

2 Steps To Crate Training Your Puppy

If you are reading this, you have probably heard of crate training and want to know how to crate

train your puppy. It is actually quite easy and your puppy will appreciate it. Dogs like the security

and safety that a "den" provides and the crate serves as a "den" for them.

Crate training your puppy helps you with house training and housebreaking because dogs will not

"mess" in their den unless there is simply no where else to go. Crate training also helps establish

you as the "alpha" dog which, in turn, helps you train your puppy.

There are two steps in crate training.

1. Select A Crate

A crate is simply a confined area. A box isn't good because your puppy can not see what is going

on around him/her. A wire crate is best because your puppy can see, smell, and hear what is going

on around him/her and adjust to you and your family. Also, the crate needs to have a lock.

You need to select a crate that is not too small or too large. A crate is too small if your puppy

cannot stand up and turn around in it. A crate is too big if your puppy can roam around in it. If

the crate is too big, your puppy will pick a corner in which to "mess" and sleep in another corner.

This will make house training and housebreaking difficult. Ideally, the crate needs to be big

enough for your puppy to stand up in and stretch, but not big enough for your puppy to move

around in very much.

You need to furnish the crate with a soft place for your puppy to lay down. Put some water and

play toys in it.

2. Crate Training

At first, put a dog treat in the crate and encourage your puppy to go into the crate. Keep your

puppy in the crate for only a few minutes (5 to 10 minutes) and then let him/her out. Do not make

a fuss about either putting your puppy in the crate or letting your puppy out of the crate. Each

time make the time in the crate a little longer. Your puppy needs to slowly adjust to being in the

crate. Eventually, your puppy will be able to stay in the crate when you are not home and at night.

But, remember that a puppy needs to go to "go to the bathroom" fairly often, so keep this in

mind. Do not keep your puppy in a crate all day. Give your puppy time to exercise and to "go to

the bathroom" outside.

Do's and Don'ts

Do place the crate where your puppy can be a member of the family - where your puppy can see,

smell and hear you and your family.

Do not make the crate a prison for your puppy or use it for punishment.

Do let your puppy out if it is obvious that your puppy needs to "go to the bathroom", but do not

let your puppy out just because he/she is barking or fussing just to get out. Let your puppy out

when he/she is being good. Otherwise, your puppy may think that he/she needs to bark or fuss in

order to get out of the crate.

Do not make a fuss about putting your puppy in the crate or letting your puppy out of the crate.

In summary, crate training your puppy is easy. Select the proper crate and train your puppy. Crate

training will be a benefit to both you and your puppy.

Housebreaking Your Puppy

Housebreaking your puppy is going to take a lot of patience. As soon as you bring your puppy home, you should begin to housebreak it. With puppies, nature calls about 6 times a day. You should take your puppy out immediately after each meal, as this is the time that it is most likely to need to relieve itself.

A puppy is not able to fully control its bladder until the age of twelve weeks. Up until that age, good housebreaking routines should be followed in order to avoid your dog relieving itself in your house.

Watch for signs that your puppy has to go out, including walking around in circles. That is the biggest sign that your dog needs to go outside to relieve itself.

Confining your puppy to a small area of the house, or using a crate are a couple of good ways to make sure your dog doesn't end up defecating or urinating all over your house. Housebreaking your puppy is a lot harder if it smells urine in a part of your house that you don't want it relieving itself in.

When housebreaking your dog, it is important to make sure that your dog knows when it is doing wrong, and knows what it is doing wrong. It's no help scolding your dog for urinating on the floor if it's not clear to the dog why you're scolding him. Be firm, yet gentle, especially until your puppy knows better.

It is important to housebreak your puppy properly the first time, or you'll be regretting it for years to come. If it's not a hundred percent clear to your dog that it is not ok to urinate in the house, then you will be cleaning up a lot of messes over the course of your dog's lifetime.

Information on proper housebreaking methods can be obtained from your vet, dog trainers, or on the internet. Do your homework ahead of time, before you bring your new puppy home, because the housebreaking needs to start immediately, as soon as your puppy gets home. You don't want to be fumbling around, trying to learn how to housebreak your puppy while he's urinating all over your house. Put yourself in the position of knowing how to do it before you bring your puppy home.

Crate Training for Dogs Tips for Crate Training Your Dog

Crate training for dogs. Crate training is a wonderful training tool as the best gift you can give to your dog. How to Crate Training your Dogs? There are some tips to help you to crate training your dogs.

� Crate training can be fun for the puppy if you make it a POSITIVE experience. Make sure that your attitude toward using a dog crate is a positive one. If you properly train your dog to use a dog crate with a positive one, he'll think his dog crate is a safe place and will be happy to spend time in his dog crate when needed.

� Training your dog to use a crate happily. First, introduce your dog to a dog crate with a correct way so dog will feel secure and safe. You can start by use some toys and foods to encourage him to go to his crate, open the crate door so he can go in & out as he wants.

� After the dog become familiar with the crate and want to going in and staying in the crate, feeding him there, with the door open at first so he doesn�t feel you tricked him.

� Dogs dislike soiling in or near their beds, so remembering to open the crate door usually after eating, so they can relieve themselves by go outside.

� Put the dog crate in the correct place. Put the crate in quiet place at home, remember don�t put the crate in the places that get to hot or to cold.

� Never use a dog crate as punishment place. Remember, a dog crate is not supposed to be a jail. The most common misconception about a dog crate is that it is a cruel form of caging a pet.

� Crate training is one of the most effective ways, positive tool for housebreaking and other aspects of behavior control. Crate training can save your house and belongings from being soiled and chewed. It is one of the most effective ways of house breaking any puppy or dog.

Crate training for dogs are something that can work well for both you and your dog. It is efficient when used correctly and the fastest and most humane method of housebreaking dogs. A dog crate is used to regulate training and teach good behavior in your dog and safest place for your dog when you can't be present to supervise. Crate training is a wonderful training tool for both you and your dog!

(c) Crate Training For Dogs

Dog Training Commands - How to Successfully Train Your Dog to Do Certain Commands

Although dogs are regarded as man�s best friend, the truth still exists that dog needs training to adapt to humans. Dog training commands is necessary for every dog owners to train their dogs to follow simple to complex commands.

Here are some tips to effectively render dog training commands:

  • Get your dog�s attention; you cannot render dog training commands effectively if you cannot catch your dogs� attention. No matter how hard you tried if you cannot engage your dog�s attention it would be useless. A slight rubbing on its fur or nape will do the trick.
  • Get acquainted and know your dog. Dogs like humans have different learning curves. Observe your dog for a few days before starting dog training commands. This will give you hints on the habits that your dog has and how to take advantage of those habits to help you train your dog with ease.
  • Consistency. Learn how to be consistent with the dog training commands you are about to render. Tone of voice, body movements must be considered when giving dog training commands.
  • Acknowledge good behaviors. Use reinforcements to acknowledge good behavior. Affirmations and simple praises are enough encouragement for your dog to follow your instructions and to let your dog know that he is doing a good job.
  • Test your dog. After your dog performed a certain task consistently, use distractions to test if your dog will still follow your instructions.

Dog training commands is one way for you and your dog to communicate effectively. If you succeeded on training your dog, you will indeed win yourself a canine best friend that you and your family can enjoy.

In the event that you have not succeeded in providing an effective dog training commands due to dog behavior problems, do not lose hope because there are experts who can help you to effectively train your dog.

Stopping Agressive Dog Behavior

Do you have an aggressive dog? Do you have problems when your dog sees other dogs that they he is always barking and trying to get at the other dog? Well the problem may not just be your dog�s problem but instead it may be more of a problem with the way your dog looks at interactions with other dogs.

Even when dogs have been trained and been around a lot of dogs your own dogs tendency will still to be to be an aggressive dog when your dog makes eye contact with other dogs. This is mostly a problem caused by the way in which most dog obedience courses are taught. Remember back when your dog was in a class with other dogs and you had to pull with the leash to keep your dog away from these other dogs. As you probably know, most dogs are naturally curios and when a pup gets together for the first time with a bunch of other dogs he would have been curious. The natural course of action as a new dog owner would have been to pull your dog hard away from the other dogs and now your dog will have learned that being around other dogs is bad and in the case of being close to other dogs it is easier to scare them away by being aggressive than it is to be docile and perhaps find a new friend.

As time has gone on you have probably pulled your dog away from other dogs at the dog park and now you have reinforced the idea that being around other dogs is bad. Well you certainly can teach an old dog new tricks and this trick is to let your dog be friendly again but still be respectful around other dogs.

The strongest emotion that you can instill at this point is to make eye contact with your dog. As you make eye contact your dog will get nervous but as you are making eye contact feed him some treats so that he knows that this is a good situation to be in. Next time you are at a dog park or another place where there are a lot of dogs around you can do the same thing. If the other dog is good then feed your dog treats as a reward for good interaction, if the interaction is bad then feed him no treats. These actions will change the way that your dog looks at other dogs and if here meets a friendly dog he will not be aggressive anymore but will still be wary around another aggressive dog.

Curing your dog from being aggressive is not really hard to do but these actions should definitely help your dog to be friendlier around dogs and this should translate to being better around people too.

Tips For Training Older Dogs

People think that it is better to train a puppy than training older dog. They have this belief at the back of their minds that it is easier to teach younger pets than older ones. Part of this is true though there are still things that older dogs can do more in terms of behavior. Older dogs are more mature than puppies thus making them easier to teach tricks and other stuffs.

In training older dog, an owner must have a great knowledge about his pet. In this, a need for a dog trainer would be very helpful. A dog trainer is more educated on training older dog, as they can understand what older dogs need. However, if you want to self train your old dog you are welcome to do so as it will establish great bond between you and your pet. You may still opt to hire a trainer�s service for more tips and supervision.

A more mature canine is cleverer than younger ones so being strict is necessary on training older dog. If older dogs are clever then the trainer must act more cunning than his pet. There is no difference on training a puppy and older dog, as you really need patience to be able to achieve the goal of training them. Tips on dog training are all the same although sometimes breeds also vary. There are dogs that are easy to train, as well as there are dogs that training takes time. Whatever the dogs behavior during its training, the owner or trainer must understand the situation of the pet. The need of praising the dog everytime he fulfill certain commands is necessary to keep the pet more motivated on training himself as well. The idea of complementing is indeed useful because it will help you training older dog more convenient to do.

3 Essential Tips To Successful House Train Older Dogs

House training older dogs is a more delicate process than with younger dogs. If you are looking to adopt an older dog that was not previously exposed to any house training at a young age, it is going to bring along its bad habits such as chewing, excessive barking, making holes in the yard or �marking� the territory.

Furthermore, you will also experience more difficulties in house training older dogs as they tend to respond and progress much slower to most training methods and commands than younger dogs.

Here are 3 useful tips that can help you in house training older dogs successfully.

  • First and foremost, a complete check-up at the vet is necessary in order to eliminate any existing health problems or complications such as urinary tract or flea infections. Older dogs may also experience some form of diarrhea if there is a sudden change from their previous dietary habits. Do not punish him for these "mistakes". Instead be patient and allow your dog a week to adapt to the changes gradually. If conditions did not improve, consult your vet.

  • Always establish a routine schedule for eating and drinking for your dog. This helps you to easily monitor your dog's toilet habits and decide when to bring your pet out for a walk every time he or she finishes its meals. Most adult dogs tend to eliminate 30 - 45 minutes after eating or drinking. Learn the signs and watch out for clues of circling and sniffing the floor.

  • Older dogs have shorter attention spans therefore more repetitions are needed during the house training process to reinforce the desired habits. Never use violence on them if they make a mess in the house. Scolding the dog is pointless unless you actually see it eliminating indoors. Use a firm voice command "No" and guide the dog to its designated spot. Praise or reward your dog when it relieves itself outdoors.

Therefore, house training an older dog successfully depend a lot on your consistency, discipline and perseverance. Treating the dog with patience and understanding, using the appropriate house training methods are the main ingredients to developing a well behaved adult dog with good toilet habits.

6 Of The Most Popular Working Dogs

When you hear the term "working dogs", what comes first into your mind? You may think of a canine that does more than just barking at strangers who stay close at your yard or those that do more than just stay and hang out at your house all day. What about those dogs which get in the car when you drive to the office? Well, to some degree working dogs do more than just those things mentioned above.

The working dogs, as the name implies, are those that perform tasks more valuable than what humans can do. They are trained to perform roles and responsibilities like taking care or protecting a family or a property, guiding people with disabilities, guarding flocks and herds from harmful intruders, and even catch criminals and other felony makers. There are a lot more tasks that the working dogs are capable of doing provided that they are trained properly, and it is for such capabilities basically that working dogs are considered throughout the world as "amazing animals".

Names Associated with Working Dogs

The working dogs generally come in massive numbers. They are often categorized according to the nature of work they are trained to. The most popular working dogs include the following:

#1 - Therapy Dogs: Trained to visit people with physical or emotional problems. They are invited and sent for therapeutic effects.

#2 - Rescue Dogs: Help people who are in tough situations like those who are in water after a boat accident or disaster.

#3 - Herding Dogs: Trained to guard flocks and herds from any dangerous attacks.

#4 - Hunting Dogs: They assist hunters in tracking and finding games. Many of the hunting dogs often fight with bears, lions, tigers, and other wild beasts.

#5 - War Dogs: These are the breeds used for armed forces. They take roles similar to that of the civilian working dogs, but all are geared toward military sake.

#6 - Detection Dogs: Assist people in finding traces of bombs, or termites in a home. They also work to detect chemicals and other harmful substances in luggage and other objects or areas.

The working dogs can also be considered as assistance dogs, search dogs, sled dogs, mascots, tracking and fighting dogs, guard and police dogs, and cadaver dog.

How do Working Dogs Perform Their Roles?

Naturally, dogs have the innate capability to find things. They use all of their senses to find a specific object or a person, and this can be enhanced with proper and thorough training.

So to make working dogs much effective for doing all the tasks assigned to them, they should always be practiced. The good thing about them is that they love their work knowing that they were born to do so.

Crate Training for Dogs - Tips to Make A Comfy Dog Crate

What is Crate training for dogs? Crate training is a wonderful training tool. A dog crate is really important because a dog crate could be used as: a dog house, a dog carrier, a safety place and a potty training device. It is the fastest and most humane method of housetraining.

There are some tips about crate training for dogs �Tips to make a comfy dog crate:

� A dog crate is a cage made of wire or molded plastic. A sturdy wire frame dog crate is easy to clean, durable and offers good ventilation and visibility. A wire dog crate is best if you are using your dog crate primarily at home.

� Crates come in all sizes, with vary types of opening, so you need to make sure that give the ideal crate size for your dog. Choose one that would be enough for your dog.

� A dog crate is like his �bed room�, his privacy place, so put comfy, bedding & some dog toys in the crate to encourage him and feel like at home. So the dogs will learn that crate is a nice place.

� Choose comfortable bedding, bedding should be thick enough for the dog to lie on, washable cloth, and quick-drying cloth.

� Using a dog crate is a means of giving your dog his own space. For some dogs, a dog crate is his "bedroom". A dog crate is really no different than a child's crib, playpen, or bedroom so raising a puppy without a dog crate is like bringing up baby without a crib or play pen.

Crate training is a wonderful training tool as the best gift you can give to your dog. A dog crate is something that can work well for both you and your dog. The dog crate is an important tool if used properly. A dog crate is a necessity for your dog, through his puppy days and for his whole life.

The Most Important Exercise for Multiple Dog or Puppy Owners - Part I

If you have more than one dog or puppy living under your roof, then this is one of the most important and useful exercises you can teach. Without this exercise (or something very similar), one of your dogs will probably learn to bully the other dogs out of the way for attention or food. This exercise lays the foundation for happy, well-mannered multiple dog homes.

What we're going to do is teach each of our dogs to stay on a Mat while we pay attention to, groom or feed one of our other dogs. The mat gives our dogs a clear place to go to and a boundary to stay within. If we have multiple dogs we can send each dog to their own individual mats. This removes any confusion about what our dogs are to do, and removes the need to place our dogs in position. If you have several dogs, it could be quite time consuming to place a number of dogs.

To start with, teach each dog individually to "Go to Mat". A "Mat" is either a dog bed you can easily move around, or something as simple as a towel on the floor. We'll just call it a "mat" from now on.

It's always easiest to teach a new behavior in the lowest distraction environment you can find. For most people, this means finding a boring room such as the bathroom, and locking your other dogs out while you work with one dog at a time.

Have a bowl or bag of small, tasty treats, your mat, a clicker, and a dog who hasn't eaten a meal yet today. If you don't own a clicker, you can substitute with verbal praise, but make it short, sweet and consistent; e.g "good!" or "Yes!"

Full instructions for training "Go to Mat" can be found here.

Train each of your dogs, one at a time, to Level 3 with a full 1 minute stay according to the instructions given. Practise it in different rooms of the house, and maybe even out in your yard.

Stay tuned for Part II, where we'll learn how to teach our dogs to go to their mats as a group.

Bull Dog Personalities

Dogs have different personalities, depending on their breed history and genetics. There are also some personalities that are inherent to certain breeds. Some breeds are more aggressive than others. Just like other dogs, bulldogs also exhibit personalities that depend on their breed history and genetics.

Breed History

To be able to understand fully the personality of bulldogs, it would be good to see their breed history. Bulldogs are believed to have come from Asia and to have been bred to fight. Such breeding explains the tendency of some bulldogs to be fierce and aggressive. However, some attempts have been made to breed out the tendency of bulldogs to fight. As a result, only courage and perseverance are left in them. Because of these qualities, people who need guard dogs are encouraged to get bulldogs.

Some Characteristics

Bulldogs are dominant in nature. In order for them to follow their owner, bulldogs must respect him. The owner must therefore be able to exert his authority on the dogs in the right way. When the owner gets their respect, they become very loyal and affectionate to him. Other traits of bulldogs include being friendly, docile, stubborn and comical. They are friendly to children, other dogs and other animals, such as cats, as long as the cat does not steal their food. These dogs also love attention.

On the other hand, bulldogs are not easy to train. You need to be really persistent to be able to train them successfully. Another unique feature of these dogs is that they love sleeping. You can even hear them snore.

Bulldogs are dominant and fierce because they have been bred to fight. However, breeders have successfully bred out this fierceness. But the dogs' courage remains; therefore, if the owner knows how to manage the temperament of these dogs and how to command their respect, he can expect undying loyalty and affection from these adorable dogs.

Enroll Your Pet to Dog Training School to Modify Behavioral Problems

Suddenly you�ve noticed your dog acting very strange and weird. An unexplainable behavioral pattern is developing yet you can�t seem to understand the reason for your dog�s behavior, so you finally decide to get professional advice through training schools for dogs with behavioral problems.

Dog training schools are highly recommended for dogs with behavioral issues that dog owners can�t understand and through the help of a training school, dog owners will be able to understand and learn to communicate with their dog properly. Behavioral issues like jumping on people or objects, not listening to commands or disobedience are behavioral problems that are resolved in dog training schools. Both participation from the dog and dog owner is required for this training program.

One example of a dog training school is the Robinswood Kennels that provides complete satisfaction to their clients and achieves success in their goal to training different kinds of dogs. In fact, dog training is seriously given importance in this school because as quoted, �dog training is an art that takes many years of love, devotion, and experience to master,..�

At Robinswood Kennels, training dogs is one of the programs most likely offered to help correct behavioral problems in dogs. Unusual behavioral problems can lead to a more serious problem that can last a lifetime. Dog training schools offers dog training specialized to correct negative problems into positive ones by avoiding environments and locations where the problems first occurred during the habit breaking method. Meanwhile, behavioral techniques and handling are taught to dog owners before returning their dogs to their homes. Continuous training allows both dog and dog owner to initiate better relationship and understanding with each other.

Dog training schools have over a number of professionals with the acquired training involving animal patterns that allows them to modify dog behavioral patterns, therefore, using certain methods that can help dog owners have better communication skills with their dogs. Due to their formalized training, professionals will also teach dogs to overcome their negative problems and invert it to positive ones.

The foundation of dog training schools is the basic training that allows dogs to learn all commands performed either by hand signals or voice. Other trainings learned are problem elimination and leaning to advanced obedience training. Advance obedience training is a complete off-leash program that allows a dog to freely move about while still on the owners command.

Dog training schools also offer a training program used for security reasons. The protection training is for dogs training rigorously for security purpose that includes learning about safety measures and protection certainty to entities that needs dog protection. There are different various protection trainings available for all kinds of breeds that specialize from basic protection to personal bodyguard of high-class entities.

Several dog training schools offer a number of different training programs that allows dogs and dog owners to engage in many exercises to further achieve better relationship with each other. Dog training schools main goal is to achieve communication and proper understanding between the dog and dog owners as well.

Dogs with behavioral issues profusely affect the relationship between dogs and dog owners, therefore, maintaining a wonderful relationship with their dogs is important. The best solution is to enroll the dog in a dog training school for a proper behavioral correction and discipline as well as improve the relationship between the dog and dog owner.

Dog Care Tips: #6

Why your dog eats fast

In older times, dogs and their wolf-kind hunted in packs and knew that they may not find prey for several days at a time. Their bodies were able to go this distance of time with full efficiency so long as they had fed in large quantities before having to fast while hunting. The leaders always ate first. They also devoured the biggest pieces of meat, while the lesser ranked pack members ended up with just the leftovers. This instinct for survival carries on today which is why your dog may appear to gobbe his food down.

Some dogs do not like their ears rubbed

Did you know that some dogs cannot stand the feeling of people rubbing and grabbing at their ears? While it's true that the ears can be a soft spot for many dogs, which when rubbed will make a dog melt like butter, but on the other end of the spectrum there are dogs which become very aggressive if their ears are touched.This is normal for some dogs and does not mean they are bad or aggressive dogs.

Some dogs have a false pregnancy

Did you know that many female dogs can have one false pregnancy after another? Not all female dogs are created equal - there are some that have a nurturing drive so tremendous that they can show signs of a false pregnancy after every astral cycle. What can cause a dog to have a false pregnancy? The current research studies offer the notion that false pregnancies are the result of a major hormonal imbalance. Female dogs that have this condition on an ongoing basis tend to ovulate longer than the standard four-to-five week period.

The Working Dogs

These dogs were developed to perform certain tasks to help us in our work and activities. Being brave and strong they can be dominant and protect their territory. because of this they need a good, strong and robust owner. There are types: Rescue dogs, personal protection dogs, estate guarding dogs, and sled dogs.

Rescue dogs are large dogs with power and strength. They can maintain function in cold water and they make very good family pets. They protect and love children. Breeds in this group include Saint Bernard, Newfoundland, and Portuguese Water Dog.

Personal protection dogs have the job of guarding. They are strong, intelligent, and devoted. They are less happy with strangers but love their families. You must be confident and firm with these sorts of dogs. If not, they can become aggressive and over-powerful themselves. This breed includes Doberman Pinschers, Standard Schnauzers, Giant Schnauzers and Boxers.

Estate guarding dogs have strong, muscular and powerful bodies. They will protect your family and your territory. They are loyal, devoted. They are extremely territorial but can become overly aggressive and dominant. They need the right sort of owner who can match the will of these dogs. Examples include the Mastiff, Rottweiller, Komondor, Great Dane, Bullmastiff, Kuvasz, Akita, Anatolian Shepherd, and Great Pyrenees.

Sled dogs were first bred to pull sleds. They have a thick, insulated coat which protects them from the cold. They don't like the warmth. The moult all year round! Examples of this breed are the Samoyed, Siberian Husky, and Alaskan Malamute.

Girls and Their Dogs - A Children's Book Pick From the Writing

Wow! This is the ultimate book for any young girl who loves dogs. In fact, if this book had been around when I was about 8 or 10 years old, I would probably have slept with it under my pillow. At that time, dogs were the most important creatures in my world - as they are today to many young girls the world over.

Girls will love the stories about real dogs (and the girls who own them) that are just part of the great dog-related information in this jazzy new book from American Girl and Pleasant Company Publications. The book also includes links to online resources about dogs and special programs that involve dogs.

And girls will really have fun trying some of the recipes to create yummy treats for both dogs and their owners. They can whip up a batch of "Woof Woof Waffles" for their favorite dog - OR - try some "Puppycakes" (cupcakes decorated to look like dogs - you have to see these darling creations to truly appreciate the concept of puppycakes) for themselves and their "human" friends.

The book includes suggested names for pooches, doggie trading cards and mini-posters, and even tips for doodling a dog - creating cute pen-and-pencil pooches. A dog dictionary lets dog owners know just what their dog is trying to say when he yelps, barks, whines, or squeals. And dogs will appreciate their owners reading the section called "12 Ways to Love Dogs," then following up with what they've learned.

Colorful photographs and other illustrations help make this book simply irresistible to dog-loving girls everywhere.

Dogs Come and Go - Dog Doors

Can you remember the last time you didn�t have to hurry home just to make it in time for your dogs� daily ritual? Can you still recall the last time you didn�t have to stop what you were doing just to accommodate your whining dogs� request to go out to do his nightly business?

If your answer to both questions is �NO� then it�s high time to set both yourself and your dogs free of unnecessary problems that could get in the way of your relationship. Specifically, you need something to save you the unnecessary trips whenever your dog has to or wants to go outside. The solution is quite simple, actually. Just get a dog door.

�Bother-me-no-more� Dog Doors

Traditionally a dog door is made of a hinged flap mounted onto a door, wall or window usually with magnets at the bottom to serve as a closing mechanism. The flap, in turn, is usually made of vinyl so as not to trap or cause any accidents with your dogs.

A dog door, sometimes referred to as a doggie door, could be the key to finally achieving your dream worry-free pet-rearing experience. A dog door allows dogs to come and go as they wish without any human help. This means no more rushed trips back home or getting interrupted with your work and other activities.

Aside from having the convenience of your dogs acting on their own needs, you�ll also be saving your walls, doors, floor and furniture from further scratches, accidents and other damages caused by your troubled dogs.

Secrets Of The Big Dogs: Is It A Scam?

Stan Stuchinski, creator of the Secrets of the

Big Dogs program, once wrote a clever advertisement

that referred to the Big Dogs program as a S.C.A.M:

Strategically Coordinated Automatic Money Machine.

The Big Dogs program promotes an advertising system

consisting of hosting several FFA sites. This allows

practitioners to automatically advertise to every person

that posts advertisements at the FFA sites. This reverse

advertising is legitimate since posters to FFA sites must

agree to receive �confirmation emails� from those who

host the FFA sites, in order to post their advertisements.

Clearly the Big Dogs program is not a scam in the

conventional sense. Few would argue that it is a

S.C.A.M either�except as a marketing gimmick.

The program has stood the test of time. It was launched

on March 24, 2001. And since its creation, it has helped

several marketers make the transition from novice to

professional marketers.

The Secrets of the Big Dogs ebook itself introduces

readers to the world of Internet Marketing. But its

primary purpose is to promote the Secrets of the Big

Dogs Program. The fact that the program still exists

today is evidence of how effectively the ebook up-sells

the program.

There are many secrets of the big dogs that are left

out of the program. But there are enough fundamental

marketing concepts in the program to help a serious

practitioner become a very skilled Internet marketer.

Writing effective sales letters is critical in the Big Dogs

program; as the targeted prospects receive a large

volume of email.

What To Consider When Buying Dog Apparel

When buying dog clothes I suppose the first important consideration would definitely be the size of your dog. Most dog clothes manufacturers actually provide dog apparel in a wide range of sizes to accommodate all dog sizes. Others even offer custom made clothes to ensure a right fit. You need to ensure that your dog is comfortable and that the clothes serve their purpose.

If you own small toy dogs, clothes wouldn�t be much of a problem. However, if you do own big dogs like German shepherds and the like you need to select apparel that is suited for the activities these large dogs may engage in.

You have to bear in mind that these dogs are more active and they require clothing that they will be comfortable in when they move about. If you will be buying clothes for working dogs, it is important to consider the type of work they are engaged in. Usually apparel for large dogs are more practical and basic in design compared to the flashy designs of cute and small dogs.

Choose material like nylon or cotton that will not trap heat onto your dog�s body and instead allow the dog�s coat to breathe. Clothes made of polyester are not advisable. You do not want your dog to overheat at this can be uncomfortable and dangerous.

It is essential that you get your dog used to wearing apparel for quite often some of them may feel uncomfortable in it. They just need to get used to the idea.

The Ultimate Puppy Training Tip

Just about every puppy training tip I come across in the course of my veterinary duties probably has some merit but is generally aimed at resolving or instilling a single aspect of behaviour. This is all well and good, but this approach is a bit hit and miss and will not result in an obedient, well trained puppy or dog that will be a pleasure to share your life with.

The ultimate puppy training tip, in my opinion, is quite simple and it is this: Before you start training your puppy (or any other pet), you need to make an effort to understand how their mind works and thus how they will respond to your training efforts. The biggest single mistake puppy owners� make when trying to train a puppy is to expect a �human� response to a �human� action. You wont get it! You are going to get a �puppy� response to your �human� action, which in all likelihood will not be what you expected!

Logically, this should be so because we are dealing with a puppy and not a human. However, because many of us, quite rightly, treat our pets as valued members of our family, we tend to forget the differences. This can unfortunately lead to a good deal of frustration on the part of owners and sometimes destructive behaviours on the part of the puppy as it reacts to inappropriate training methods and actions.

The best puppy training tip I can offer therefore is to find training resources that utilise �dog psychology� rather than �human psychology� to train or rectify behaviour problems. When you do that, training a puppy actually becomes quite easy and incredibly rewarding for both parties. Better still, this puppy training tip, if taken to heart, will promote harmony and peace in your household and will strengthen that all important human-pet bond.

A well-trained puppy is a happy puppy, and a well-informed owner is a happy puppy owner � what more could you want?